Photography, Film, and Video

Media seeking to use any type of camera on campus must contact the Office of Communications and Public Affairs in advance at 212-854-5573. A detailed description of what images are requested along with names of individuals to be interviewed is required. The request must be accompanied by a specific date, time of arrival and departure from campus, and names of all crew members. 

Requests must be limited to regular business hours—9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday—excluding national holidays and other days when campuses are closed to media. Individuals or crews using cameras must be accompanied at all times by an assigned public affairs officer or other designated University escort.

The Office of Communications and Public Affairs works closely with the Office of Public Safety to enforce these campus access policies. Without proper clearance, cameras will be stopped at the campus gates. Media that has been granted permission to enter the campus must clearly display valid credentials.

In general, photography, filming, and videotaping are allowed only in outdoor spaces, such as College Walk along West 116th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam avenues.

Cameras are not allowed inside auditoriums, cafeterias, classrooms, corridors, dormitories, gymnasiums, laboratories, libraries, lobbies, residential halls, theaters, the Lerner Hall student center, and other interior spaces unless permission is granted. Requests to obtain broadcast roll on campus also requires permission and an assigned escort.