National & Global Affairs

This page features Columbia faculty, research, and news related to national and global affairs topics.

National and Global Affairs illustration

How to Think and What to Think About to Make the World a Better Place

Columbia’s core curriculum led rising senior Aman Choudhri to his new life as a “policy wonk.” He also likes to dance.

Recent News

Columbia’s core curriculum led rising senior Aman Choudhri to his new life as a “policy wonk.” He also likes to dance.

Business School Professor Jorge Guzman discusses his research with Sociology Professor Mario Small and PhD candidate Jinkyong Choi that examines th

A new study from Columbia Business School found that most political debates occur not with strangers on social media but rather among family and fr

New Columbia Business School research examines how governments and NGOs can use social media to reduce malaria transmission.

Chan, the editor in chief of the Texas Tribune, will join the CJR, effective September 16, 2024. 

Professor Andrea Prat investigates how well Americans can detect false information compared to their ability to recognize true facts, revealing tha

The 5 grants are for journalists and newsrooms reporting on inequalities and misconduct in the American criminal justice system. 

Hear the winner of the 2024 Botwinick Prize in Business Ethics describe his values-based approach to leadership.

EVs shouldn’t be a luxury item, but Biden’s tariffs mean they may remain so.

The Obama Presidency Oral History releases 26 new interviews and 400 new stories related to healthcare reform on an innovative new website.

In this book excerpt fromLaughter in the Dark, Yasmine El Rashidi invites readers to explore acountry that is being tr

Business School research reveals that economic hardships experienced in formative years can impact attitudes toward immigration and government redi