University Statement on Fossil Fuels Divestment

April 18, 2016

Columbia University is defined by its embrace of freedom of expression and open debate, a commitment apparent on our campus every day. But our rules and values do not allow students to limit the speech or infringe on the rights of others in our community.

Because we place reasoned discussion and exchange of competing ideas at the center of the University’s mission, President Bollinger last week agreed to move up his planned April 29 meeting with Columbia Divest for Climate Change to this Monday afternoon. Some members of the organization nevertheless have chosen to continue preventing the regular usage of Low Library as a central event space for our University community and, for a period, as a workplace for the President’s and Provost’s office staff.

Significantly, Columbia already has in place a serious, deliberative process to consider proposals for divestment. This process includes opportunities for student organizations to provide their insight and recommendations to a committee of students, faculty and alumni. Upon receiving and considering a proposal for broad fossil fuel divestment, the University’s Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing (ACSRI) issued a thoughtful report in November recommending that the University leverage our expertise in climate change to expand relevant research initiatives and consider other options, such as more targeted approaches to divestment or shareholder engagement strategies. The ACSRI has continued its work this spring exploring the practical implementation considerations of these options. We urge everyone to read their report and join this important conversation in the months ahead.

At the Committee’s recommendation, the University has taken steps to enlist Earth Institute faculty and other climate change scholars, as well as students, to strengthen the principles guiding the sustainability of our campus operations. Going forward, we welcome the continuing discussion and debate in our community over the most appropriate and effective approaches for us to address climate change and diminish our society’s reliance on fossil fuels -- a vital goal that Columbia has long pursued through its pioneering research, teaching and advocacy.