Research & Discovery

This page highlights the astonishing amount of research happening across Columbia, one of the world’s leading research universities. 

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How Does the Brain Turn Waves of Light Into Experiences of Color?

A new fruit fly study reveals the brain-cell circuitry that converts raw sensory signals into perceptions of color.


A Columbia Nursing postdoc has built a new AI dementia screening tool that draws on patient-nurse communication.

Columbia researchers discover that American kids use potentially toxic makeup with surprising frequency.

Alethea Harnish (CC’23) and Mark Taylor are co-teaching a course this semester, the final one for both of them at Columbia.

The findings will inform a more personalized approach to diagnosis and treatment of these cancers in minority populations.

A PhD candidate who worked for OpenAI and Apple discusses natural language processing, AI hallucinations, and deep fakes.

On April 18, Julia Gonski, a postdoc, will deliver a public talk on new research in particle physics.

The findings expand on a smaller study that assessed the development of babies born during the first wave of the pandemic.

The research supports the idea that Alzheimer's is caused by the accumulation of beta-amyloid proteins in the brain.

It will be the first ever research-to-practice center devoted to optimal health for both parents-to-be and the developing infant.

Carr's current work explores how galaxies' atmosphere keeps them from forming too many stars.

It was the first time the procedure was performed in the northeastern United States.

Columbia faculty reflect on the promises and perils of artificial intelligence and how it will shape the future.