Grammy Awards, Oscar Nominations, Lifetime Achievement Awards, and More
From science to engineering, writing to social sciences, here are the Columbians who received awards recently.
Columbia News produces a biweekly newsletter (subscribe here!) and article series featuring a roundup of awards and milestones that Columbia faculty, staff, and students have received in recent days. In this edition, you’ll find awards and milestones from January 25 to February 9, 2023.
Have an award or milestone you’d like to have featured in the newsletter or article online? Please send an email to [email protected]. Note that we’ll be running this series every other week.
You can take a look at past accomplishments on our Awards & Milestones page. And you can subscribe to receive the newsletter in your inbox.
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, University Professor in the Humanities, is the recipient of the inaugural Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award, which is given by the Columbia University Asian Faculty Association.
Marcel Agüeros, associate professor of astronomy, has been selected as a Fellow of the American Astronomical Society, which honors members for extraordinary achievement and service. Agüeros was selected for the combined impact of his innovative observational work on the rotational, magnetic, and related properties of low-mass main-sequence stars, and for his deep commitment to increasing the diversity of the astronomical community.
Adam Blumenberg, assistant professor of emergency medicine, received the "Technology Innovator of the Year" award at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare.
Ashley Graham-Perel, assistant professor of nursing, received the Estelle Osborne Award from NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing on February 2, 2023. This award honors Black nursing alumni and faculty who have advanced the professional development of nurses, and are role models and active leaders in the nursing profession.
Rebecca Hahn, professor of medicine, was awarded the 2023 Physician Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Society of Echocardiography.
The Association of Universities of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands selected Judy Honig, Dorothy M. Rogers Professor of Nursing at CUIMC, vice dean of academics, and dean of students at Columbia Nursing, to serve on the Validation Committee of the Quality Assurance Framework for the Professional Doctorate.
David Knowles, assistant professor of computer science, has won a National Science Foundation CAREER Award to develop a new conceptual framework that will fundamentally transform how alternative splicing is analyzed.
Allison Norful, assistant professor of nursing, received the American Association of Nurse Practitioners' 2023 Advocate State Award for Excellence in New York, given annually to a nurse practitioner in each state for excellence in clinical practice and contributions to increasing awareness and recognition of nurse practitioners.
Rachel Shelton, associate professor of sociomedical sciences, was appointed Associate Editor for the Annual Review of Public Health journal, for the period 2023-2027. She also was invited to be a member of the Latino Research Institute Scientific Advisory Panel.
Papers by Wesley B. Asher, assistant professor of clinical neurobiology (in Psychiatry); John Mann, Paul Janssen Professor of Translational Neuroscience; Jonathan Javitch, Lieber Professor of Experimental Therapeutics; and Tarjinder Singh, assistant professor of computational and statistical genomics, were selected for Leading Research Achievements by the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation.
Meghan Turchioe, assistant professor of nursing, was a finalist for the American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing's Martha N. Hill Early Career Investigator Award.
Robert Downs, senior digital archivist at the Center for International Earth Science Information Network, has received the Earth Science Information Partners Martha E. Maiden Award for lifetime achievement in leadership, dedication, and collaborative spirit advancing the earth science information field.
Tycho Bogdanowitsch (SEAS’23) and Swati Ravi (CC’22) were recently named 2023 Matthew Isakowitz Fellows.
Liset Cruz (JRN’23), Natalie Demaree (JRN’23), and Emily Muller (SIPA’24) were chosen as winners of the 2023 scholarships from ACES: The Society for Editing.
Six Columbia students and alumni are (or were) part of the New York Youth Symphony, which won a Grammy for Best Orchestral Performance: Emma Braunberger (BC'25), Kelsey Chin (BC'22, SIPA'23), Yael Cohen (CC'21), Deborah Ro (BC'21), Matthew Sidler (CC'22), Joshua Wang (CC'26).
The School of Social Work's Institute on Technical Skills for Online Event Production was recognized with a Talent Management Award from Chief Learning Officer magazine as part of its 2022 Learning in Practice Awards. Kristin Garay created and leads the program, Krystal Folk and Helen Garcia co-facilitate the live sessions, and past and present team members include Agata Dera, Carly King, Delia Ryan, Diana Gates, Erin Hefner, Jessica Satkunasingham, Josh Levine, Leah Hairston, Marianna Stayer, Mary Downs, Meg Florio, Melissa Silverman, Nicole Wong, Sierra Spriggs, and Vitina Monacello.
The School of Social Work's Institute on Pedagogy and Technology for Online Courses has been recognized with an Outstanding Program: Noncredit Award as part of UPCEA's 2023 Association Awards. Matthea Marquart created the program and co-leads it with Delia Ryan and Lia W. Marshall. Past and present team members include Agata Dera, Amy Hendershot, Ana Quiñones, Andi Snyder, Anna Maria Montes, Chelsea Walus, Elexia Lowe, Erika Wiseberg, Erin Hefner, Jennifer So, Jessica Satkunasingham, Jneé Hill, Johanna Creswell Báez, Josh Levine, Kristin Anderson, Krystal Folk, Marianna Stayer, Meg Florio, Nicole Wong, Samantha Franklin, Sierra Spriggs, Taylor Eutsey, and Vitina Monacello.
The nominations for the 95th annual Academy Awards were recently announced, and a few projects from Columbia filmmakers are among the nominees: Women Talking, co-produced by Dede Gardner (CC'90), and The Fabelmans, co-written and co-produced by Tony Kushner (CC'78).