Research & Discovery

This page highlights the astonishing amount of research happening across Columbia, one of the world’s leading research universities. 

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How Should Communities Adapt to the Changing Climate?

A new database offers communities, leaders, and researchers unprecedented access to climate data and cutting-edge models.



Expanded access to epidurals for vaginal deliveries could lead to better maternal health outcomes, according to new research by Columbia’s Mailman

In a study in JAMA Oncology, researchers at Columbia University Irving Medical Center show that analyzing CT scans with a machine-learning algorith

With funding from the National Institutes of Health, Columbia will join researchers from 25 other institutions to learn more about the disease in c

New method for assessing pain and pain relief uncovers a neurological legacy of drug use, passed down genetically to male offspring.

Five scientists were recognized for outstanding contributions to their field.

The continuation of drought conditions in the last two years has broken a record going back to 800 AD.

Just 30 percent of the world’s researchers are women. Here’s why that matters, especially in the earth sciences.

In a new study, PhD students Gabriel Bridges and Shifra Mandel help show that both poles of Jupiter are aglow with high-energy light.

A common virus that causes no harm in most people may be a danger to organ transplant recipients and other immunocompromised people, say Columbia r

Columbia Psychiatry News speaks with Dr.

In a 22-year study in Tanzania, researchers at Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health show children who sleep under bed nets at an early age ar

Researchers at the Zuckerman Institute tease out the mechanisms that underlie one of the virus's signature symptoms.