Research & Discovery

This page highlights the astonishing amount of research happening across Columbia, one of the world’s leading research universities. 

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Study in Mice Identifies a Type of Cell That Promotes Parental Care

The newly-discovered adrenal cell produces a hormone that is also present in humans.


The new book Catastrophic Incentives explores why society is underprepared for natural and human-made disasters.

As a zebra finch becomes single-minded about impressing a possible mate, dopamine-releasing brain cells reflect his intentions.

Genome engineering relies on ancient evolutionary advances in primordial bacteria. A new study examines their origins.

A study found that working jobs with moderate or high physical activity is linked to an increased risk of cognitive impairment.

Postdoc Oliver Philcox was also recognized with an early-career award.

A study tracked how tools like ChatGPT mistake nonsense for real language. Can these flaws open new windows on the human brain?

The study could help chemists design better drugs that are more difficult for SARS-CoV-2 to sidestep.

Chia-Ying Lee is building models to improve our understanding of storm risk.

A new Columbia study is the largest cohort study to date on racial and ethnic disparities in postpartum Type 2 diabetes.

David Kipping’s videos about outer space have millions of views.

Lead is associated with impaired cognitive function, attention-related behavioral problems, and diminished academic performance.

Cannabis may be an important and under-recognized source of lead and cadmium exposure.