Research & Discovery

This page highlights the astonishing amount of research happening across Columbia, one of the world’s leading research universities. 

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How Does the Brain Turn Waves of Light Into Experiences of Color?

A new fruit fly study reveals the brain-cell circuitry that converts raw sensory signals into perceptions of color.


Cannabis may be an important and under-recognized source of lead and cadmium exposure.

The project will use theory, simulations, and observations to explore extreme astrophysical environments.

Nim Tottenham, the new chair of psychology, has a longstanding interest in how parents influence brain development.

At an Upstate New York nature preserve, Columbia researchers are decoding the natural world in order to conserve it.

New findings show that what triggers initial gastrointestinal changes in Parkinson’s could be a misdirected immune attack.

A new mouse study raises the possibility that we can prevent or treat memory loss related to aging and dementia.

A new study of mice shows that exposure to too much dopamine may set the stage for antisocial behaviors.

The findings could help physicians better predict which brain-injured patients are likely to recover with rehabilitation. 

Health workers are more at risk for drug overdose death than non-healthcare workers, according to a new study.

The source of magnetic fields has long been debated. New research offers clues on their origins.

Professors Ivan Z. Corwin and Harris H. Wang were recognized for their pioneering work.

Columbia scientists played a substantial role in the Manhattan Project and in the research that preceded it.