Off the Shelf

Off the Shelf is a Columbia News series in which professors discuss their recently published books, as well as what they have read recently and recommend, and who they would invite to the perfect dinner party.

Josef Sorett examines the complex religious ideas and practices in his book, Black is a Church.

In his latest book, Bernard E. Harcourt outlines a plan for how people can work together and extend the ideals of participatory democracy.

A new book, co-edited by Barbara Faedda, focuses on the giant figures of Mont’e Prama.

David Hellerstein covers everything from psychoanalysis to the DSM diagnostic manual and neuroscience.

In her new book, Beth Fisher-Yoshida shares steps for disrupting negative narratives and channeling positive outcomes.

Victor LaValle’s “Lone Women” portrays a sisterhood in the early-20th-century American West.

In his new book, Brian Kulick looks to everyone from Euripides to Ibsen for the answer.

Gareth Williams’ new book explains why the classic poem is just right for our times.

Isabel Huacuja Alonso’s “Radio for the Millions” traces the vitality of the medium in South Asia during the 20th century.

Philip Kitcher’s volume is one of the first in a new series put out by Columbia University Press that celebrates the Core’s centennial.

In her book, "Violent Victors," political scientist Sarah Z. Daly delves into why aggressors in civil conflicts are rewarded at the ballot box.

Jessica Merrill traces the emergence of Russian Formalism and its impact on literary form.