Research & Discovery

This page highlights the astonishing amount of research happening across Columbia, one of the world’s leading research universities. 

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Columbia Scientists Identify New Brain Circuit in Mice That Controls Body’s Inflammatory Reactions

Making use of this new brain circuit could lead to new therapies for many immune disorders.



Reducing calorie intake appears to slow biological aging processes and extend healthy lifespans, according to new research.

If your quality of life is disrupted by menopause symptoms, hormone replacement therapy may be appropriate.

Certain healthy gut bacteria are reduced in people with chronic fatigue, new research shows.

Here are some implications and ideas to weigh as the awful news continues to emerge from the world’s latest great seismic jolt.

The interdisciplinary research opens avenues in treating chronic kidney disease, Alzheimer's, and other illnesses.

Young blood has a rejuvenating effect when infused into older bodies, according to recent research.

​The program supports new collaborations with the goal of developing interdisciplinary relationships among Columbia faculty.

Store shelves are loaded with beauty and hygiene products containing seriously harmful chemicals.

Their new method extracts high-quality information from small amounts of frozen tumor tissue.

The rainforest has been degraded by a much greater extent than scientists had previously believed.

28.6% of students with asthma reported bullying victimization due to their asthma.

A nerve stimulation therapy is showing promise in animal studies and may eventually help people.