
The Global Columbia Collaboratory will kick-off on June 22 with a public seminar on how the COVID-19 pandemic affects supply chains. 

The distinction recognizes the nation’s foremost early-career scholars for the quality, impact and promise of their research.

Defying normal, young people from 10 countries demand to be part of the rebuilding process for a post-COVID world.

During the reopening of the economy, a testing and tracing strategy will likely prevent a second wave, but schools present a different situation. 

Overdoses may be on the rise. Finding ways to safely administer life-saving interventions during the coronavirus pandemic is crucial.

Awards for literary excellence in the writing of history were given to Robert Colby, Charles King and Frances FitzGerald, who received the inaugural Tony Horwitz Prize.

Frank Guridy, Wilmot James, and Charles V. Hamilton share their perspectives on the anti-Black violence that has led an angry public to protest.

Public protests are a form of free speech, and that is being challenged during our nation's current demonstrations against police violence.

An online platform created by Human Resources allows University employees to connect through word and image during the pandemic.

A questionnaire and a website aim to capture the many voices and views of faculty, students, staff and alumni who are living through the pandemic.

To kick off this new initiative, the institute is organizing a five-day online course to discuss government and corporate leadership during the COVID-19 crisis.

The renowned scholar is the first woman to lead the institution in its 134-year history.

A new oral history project, funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation, will be both a historical record of the coronavirus pandemic and a learning tool for how the city can handle future crises.

First-of-its-kind telescope promises to shed new light on the physics of high-energy phenomena, from supernovae to dark matter.

In this week's News Quiz, the Summer Ideas Exchange and other University initiatives are intellectually engaging our community from their homes and a Columbia surgeon sings to mark his recovery from COVID-19.