This page features news and research related to social justice topics at Columbia University.
Sylvester Benson’s student group has written letters of support to hospital patients, individuals in prison, and fellow students.
Columbia Journalism School recently hosted an event to discuss the importance of Asian perspectives in news reporting.
March 31 marks International Transgender Day of Visibility. Columbia News compiled resources and readings on Columbia’s trans activists.
Brenda Jones Harden shares her journey from working in New York City's child welfare system to becoming a researcher and professor of social work.
Apple TV launched "The Matter of Black Lives," a three-part series featuring films and commentary by Columbia Journalism School's Jelani Cobb.
Charles Lea finds inspiration for his current research from his and family's experiences in the 1980s and 1990s in California.
This faculty-led group was appointed to assess current symbols and representations at Columbia and establish guidelines for future ones.
To commemorate World AIDS Day, a School of Social Work professor reflects on her HIV/AIDS research with vulnerable groups in Central Asia.
Columbia students and CUNY and Washington University researchers examined how over-policing has impacted NYC public housing communities.
This cohort includes 20 leaders from across the United States and South Africa in the fields of policy, narrative, political organizing, and law.
Kathy McKeown heads up two large grants—one to analyze cross-cultural norms and another to better understand grief in the Black community.
In “Making Space for Justice,” Professor Michele Moody-Adams shows how such movements bridge the gap between political thought and activism.