National & Global Affairs

This page features Columbia faculty, research, and news related to national and global affairs topics.

National and Global Affairs illustration

Columbia Experts React, Share Insights on 2024 Election Results

Columbia faculty and staff share their insights on a tumultuous election season and look at what’s next.

Recent News

EVs shouldn’t be a luxury item, but Biden’s tariffs mean they may remain so.

The Obama Presidency Oral History releases 26 new interviews and 400 new stories related to healthcare reform on an innovative new website.

In this book excerpt fromLaughter in the Dark, Yasmine El Rashidi invites readers to explore acountry that is being tr

Business School research reveals that economic hardships experienced in formative years can impact attitudes toward immigration and government redi

The Initiative will be centered around four main pillars: women's economic opportunity, women's health, women's safety and security, and women's le

The School of International and Public Affairs, the Kraft Center for Jewish Student Life, and Columbia Religious Life co-hosted a discussion with t

Columbia Business School recently hosted a discussion with students, staff, and faculty to better understand and address rising polarization as par

A new book traces how the Tea Party laid the groundwork for the rise of Trump.

The Columbia Law professor will become one of 15 members of the UN's main judicial body, which adjudicates cases between nations.

An SPS lecturer shares her thoughts on how things could have gone differently.

Working alongside TC’s Sonali Rajan, a leading expert on research-driven solutions to reduce gun violence, students gain experience in an emerging

Columbia Business School research introduces a new model that simulates consumer routines, which could prove valuable for retaining customers.