
Recent news about neuroscience and the brain from across Columbia.

School students arrived at the New York State Psychiatric Institute’s Kolb Annex on the Columbia University Medical Center campus March 12 to parti

Ask Thomas Jessell why he has dedicated his career to understanding the neurobiology of movement, and he puts it in simple terms: “Movement is the

The Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute has named David M. Greenberg as its first executive director.

Nima Mesgarani, assistant professor of electrical engineering, is the lead author of a new study on how speech sounds are identified by the human b

The Vilcek Foundation named Thomas M. Jessell as the winner of the 2014 Vilcek Prize in Biomedical Science. 

Using high-resolution functional MRI (fMRI) imaging in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and in mouse models of the disease, Columbia University Me

Min and his team recently developed a new imaging technique to pinpoint exactly where and when cells produce new proteins.

Study points to possible treatments and confirms distinction between memory loss due to aging and that of Alzheimer's.

Looking at how sensory information is processed in rats, Dr.

Columbia University President Lee C. Bollinger announced Dec. 17 that Mortimer B.

Rafael Yuste, a professor of biological sciences and neuroscience, is a leader of the Brain Activity Map Project, a massive effort to create a dyna