Recap is a Columbia News series that highlights and summarizes some of the major events happening at Columbia University.
School of the Arts Dean Carol Becker explores the idea of experimental preservation with Jorge Otero-Pailos and Sam Van Aken.
President Bollinger moderates an online panel with Kimberlé W. Crenshaw, Eric Foner, and Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
What does a women-centric future look like, and how do we build communities of care?
A recent online GSAPP event explores how improving access to historic buildings and sites empowers the disabled.
The pandemic, the presidential election, globalization, climate change, and other issues are covered in a transatlantic forum.
As part of an ongoing series, Columbia scholars Christopher L.
Van Jones and Michael Nutter engage in a lively discussion at this year’s David N. Dinkins Leadership and Public Policy Forum at SIPA.
Columbia Law School’s Human Rights Institute hosted a series of events that explored COVID-19’s foreseen threats and strategies to advance justice.
A 12-hour, participatory livestream online event responds to COVID-19 and widespread civic unrest.
Finance experts Wally Adeyemo and Glenn Hubbard discuss how the U.S.
Columbia Startup Lab hosted a conversation between SIPA Professor Sarah Holloway and UBS Vice Chairman Jolyne Caruso-Fitzgerald on how social enter