Research & Discovery

This page highlights the astonishing amount of research happening across Columbia, one of the world’s leading research universities. 

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Columbia Scientists Identify New Brain Circuit in Mice That Controls Body’s Inflammatory Reactions

Making use of this new brain circuit could lead to new therapies for many immune disorders.



Minority neighborhoods where residents were long denied home loans have twice as many oil and gas wells as mostly white neighborhoods.

Columbia researchers have developed an algorithm that blocks devices from listening in on conversations.

In a new modeling study, researchers show how widely wind and solar potential vary by season and year.

Heavy ions may be able to kill tumor cells more effectively than photons, while producing fewer effects on healthy nearby cells.

Columbia’s Zuckerman Institute and collaborators have won a $9.1 million grant to develop entirely new maps of the brain.

The highest concentrations were found in Hispanic communities, according to a new study by Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health.

A massive landslide in British Columbia that set off a tsunami has been linked to Canada's receding West Grenville Glacier. 

A new type of UV light that's safe for people destroyed more than 98 percent of airborne microbes in a room within five minutes.

Think all fiber is equal? Think again.

People in Togo’s capital city are often exposed to unsafe levels of small particles in the air they breathe.

A high-speed 3D microscope developed at Columbia could transform surgery and tissue analysis.

PhD student Daniel Fraga is studying ‘green’ hydrogen as an alternative to fossil fuels while sharing lighter moments on TikTok.