Research & Discovery

This page highlights the astonishing amount of research happening across Columbia, one of the world’s leading research universities. 

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Columbia Scientists Identify New Brain Circuit in Mice That Controls Body’s Inflammatory Reactions

Making use of this new brain circuit could lead to new therapies for many immune disorders.



Lights! Camera! Quantum! The theoretical quantum physicist by day and actor by night explains how she blends science and art.

Trees are migrating as Earth’s climate warms. The ‘shotgun scientist’ is tracking and sharing their movements.

A third of regenerating areas in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest were cut down again, most after just 4 to 8 years.

Researchers at Columbia and Google Quantum AI have developed an algorithm that uses the most quantum bits to date to calculate ground state energy,

Intimate partner violence is a key indicator for poor HIV outcomes.

The finding helps to clarify why magma starts or stops moving below the surface weeks to months to years before an eruption, and could lead to bett

A landmark study reveals the hidden and potentially deadly costs of climate-related disasters.

Researchers have identified the genes that make domesticated bettas' colors and shapes more flamboyant than those of their wild cousins.

A new study from the department of psychology reveals how we can adapt our negative memories to make them more positive.

In the first steps toward designing a ‘living’ building, researchers grow bricks out of fungus and bacteria that can self-heal, sense and respond t

A protein normally involved in clearing cells of molecular debris can clump into fibrils, potentially hobbling cells.

Only one currently authorized antibody treatment retains its activity against all omicron subvariants, according to new research by Columbia and th